Tag: Online Therapy

Live Supervision Session – Diane Rode & Robin Shohet

Robin Shohet

In this session Robin offers Diane a 15 minute supervision session live on the website!

The purpose of this session was to give Diane client material to use in a live supervision session with Robin. The counselling session lasted for about 15 minutes, there was a pause and then Diane had supervision with Robin for about 15 minutes. The rest of the event was an an opportunity for Diane, Robin and John to unpack the experience with the online audience via the chatroom.

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It’s the Law, Isn’t it? – Susan McGinnis

Susan McGinnis

Every time we take on a new referral or leave our notes in a locked filing cabinet in a school there are legal and ethical principles at work.

Working with children and young people can present us with challenges, large and small, that demand thoughtful and rigorous processes of decision-making.

This presentation aims to address the fear or boredom with which counsellors can view the law and to provide clear, simple concepts to support resolving ethical dilemmas. It will include a discussion of responsibilities, rights, consent, confidentiality and making disclosures.

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WAPCEPC – Mutuality of Rogers’ Therapeutic Conditions: The Process and Outcome of Successful Psychotherapy – David Murphy

David Murphy

In Rogers’ theory the natural consequence of therapy is for the client to experience greater congruence between experience and awareness, unconditional positive self regard. As a consequence of being received by the therapist experience of UPR and empathic understanding for the client, the client comes to experience these conditions towards others. Through my research I have provided empirical support for this aspect of our theory. Not only this, the research suggests that when the therapeutic relationship is characterised by the mutual experiencing of therapeutic conditions outcomes are also improved.

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Psychotherapy’s Role in Mutual Aid Based Recovery from Addiction and Alcoholism – Noel Mcdermott

Noel McDermott

How can we as psychotherapists engage with this process? This was the substance of the conversation with Noel McDermott. A psychotherapist who specialises in facilitating addicts into mutual aid programs.

Noel explored some of the evidence base for mutual aid, present his work in the main form of mutual aid ’12 Step’ (AA. NA. CoDA. Al-Anon. Al-Ateen. SLAA. OA. GA. UA etc). Looking at the dynamics of the steps, how they interface into psychotherapeutic practice.

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Challenge of Online Supervision – Anne Stokes

Anne Stokes

Is online supervision appropriate, effective or even ethical? As technology moves ever forward we find ourselves able to make contact with our counselling supervisors and supervisee’s via email, text messaging and even video conferencing. These mediums are obviously different from meeting in a face to face context and raises questions around the ethics and effectiveness of this kind of work.

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