Major Library Upgrade – Released For Use By Members!

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We are excited to announce a major new upgrade to the onlinevents library which will be delivering CPD Certificates to your inbox and recording learning outcomes.

Continuing Professional Development is such an important part of our life as practitioners and yet it can be a challenge to find time to do the learning and to record it in an appropriate manner.

Since the beginning of onlinevents, CPD Certificates have been an integral part of our offerings to record and evidence learning outcomes.

We are now extending this provision with a major new upgrade to our learning platform allowing members to record learning within the onlinevents library.

Underneath each piece of video in the library is a form where you can record your response to three questions:

  • What did you learn?
  • How do you intend to apply this in your practice?
  • Do you have any further action for your next CPD cycle?

When the responses have been entered, the library immediately emails a CPD Certificate to your inbox and also offers a link to download the CPD Certificate directly to your device.

Following the submission of learning outcomes the library offers a link to view your record of learning.

This form is a record of all of the pieces of learning that you have engaged with and submitted learning outcomes for.

There is a button to download the record of learning to devices and another button to print the record to paper, the exported record has been designed specifically to help you evidence your learning to your professional association.

We are so pleased to have this upgrade ready for use and are looking forward to hearing your feedback!

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2017/01/05 23:59:59

Freeze Your CPD Budget For Life!

We have been offering a price freeze on memberships purchased before 31st December 2016. Unfortunately, a number of colleagues have missed our messages over the holidays and were not able to take advantage of this offer.

Now that the holidays are over we are going to extend our price freeze for another 48 hours.

If you would like to freeze your annual CPD budget for life at £49.99, please click on the button below.

CPD Hours