Kate Moyle

I am a COSRT Accredited Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist based in London. I work with couples and individuals to get them to a place of sexual health, happiness, and wellbeing. Working primarily with people struggling with sexual issues and younger couples, I find that the main cause of psychosexual dysfunction, when there is no physical explanation, is anxiety. I work with an approach that is both integrative and homeodynamic which encompasses mind, body, brain, and emotions in the context of the individual, their culture, and experiences. I think about sexuality as something that we have and are, rather than just something that we do. A lot of my work focuses on helping clients to understand the meaning that sex, and or the difficulties with it are playing in their lives. I also Co-Founded the Pillow Play app (pillow.io) - which comprises of a series of follow-along audio-guided intimacy episodes for couples. The app uses technology to help couples improve their in-real-life and face-to-face intimacy whilst using mindfulness techniques to promote different types of intimacy such as eye-contact, communication, and sensual touch. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology, Post Graduate Diploma in Integrative Psychosexual Therapy, and Masters Degree in Relationship Therapy.


Pillow Play iOS app: pillow.io

Kate Moyle

Kate Moyle
