Category: Teams

Understanding Your Team’s Operating System – Catherine Thomson

Catherine Thomson

Knowing your team operating system gives you a greater insight into those differences and enables you to read and understand the dynamic that is going on – the more you can read the system the better able you are to have conversations that uncover issues, get fresh, new ideas on the table, establish genuine agreement and commitment, and get things done.

This online session will build on a previous session on “Structural Dynamics” with the focus this time on the Operating System (the rules governing the language we use and the actions we take when interacting with each other). This will allow you the opportunity to explore your own team operating system in an interactive exercise followed by an online discussion.

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Understanding Your Communication Domain & Dialogue Practices – Catherine Thomson

Catherine Thomson

Every action stance takes place within one of three communication domains – these domains define the focus and direction of what we say based on an orientation that preoccupies us – some focus heavily on Feelings, some on getting things done and others on understanding what it all means (Affect, Power and Meaning). Our preference is driven by a deep inner sense of what we care about and what is important to us. We can explore what this means for our every day workplace conversations.

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Trauma and Recovery – Noel McDermott

Noel McDermott

In this interview Noel will help us to think about the connection between Trauma and Recovery from Addiction.

This interview is part of our preparation for Noel’s workshop “Walking on Eggshell’s” which will be an opportunity to think more deeply about the relationship between Trauma, Addiction and early family experiences and how best to work with these in a therapeutic context.

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