Category: Keith Tudor

Inter(national)vision – Keith Tudor

Keith Tudor

In this event, Keith will discuss some of his ideas about supervision, including: the difference between being person-centred and client-centred; issues of responsibility and professional regulation; and supervision across jurisdictions. All these can be framed as part of inter-vision, i.e., super or wider vision between supervisor and supervisee, as distinct from supervision of or over the supervisee.

He also has interests in group supervision; supervision of brief therapy; supervision that is consistent with therapeutic modality; and training supervisors: all areas which might be discussed in this interactive online event.

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The Critical Adult: A Critical Concept for Interesting Times – Keith Tudor

Keith Tudor

Critique is a method of disciplined, systematic analysis of a specific text, a body of work, or an oral discourse. In philosophy, critique refers to a methodical practice of doubt, and criticism is viewed as essential to enquiry, making meaning of life, and to being human.

Yet, in the field of psychology, including transactional analysis, criticism and being critical is, more often than not, viewed negatively. In this keynote speech, Keith argues that critique, criticality and being critical is (also) an Adult activity, and uses the concept of the critical Adult to develop these ideas.

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