Meeting Carl Rogers for the First Time – Regina Stamatiadis


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Suggested Reference

Stamatiadis R & Wilson J (2016). Meeting Carl Rogers for the First Time. [ONLINE] Available at: [Last Accessed 11/05/2016].

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Event Details


Regina and John are co-facilitating a 5 day workshop on the Greek Island of Thassos entitled "Body-mind Conversations". In this event, they will talk about their passion for working with the whole person and how that translates into their work with individuals and groups.

You can read more about Body-mind conversation below.


Body-mind conversation is a speciality within the person-centred approach as, for example, is person-centred play therapy, pre-therapy or expressive therapy. It was developed by Regina Stamatiadis and may be described as follows.

The therapist or counsellor has two partners in the therapy work: the first being the person or client, and the second his or her body. But, very importantly, the body has exactly the same status as the person and is addressed as: ‚‘‘YOU, the body of so and so“.

The therapist starts out dialoguing with the person in classical person-centred ways. At a moment she considers appropriate, she asks the client whether she is allowed to address his or her body directly. The body – after a moment of surprise at being treated like an individuality – begins to reveal its perceptions, sensitivity and deep intelligence.

The person, through listening attentively to the body, realizes the existence of his/her two entities, the mind entity and the body entity, what they are fully experiencing.

The therapist speaks with each one individually, responding in detail to their verbal or non-verbal communications. Then she moves on to facilitating a direct exchange between the two, helping them to improve their mutual understanding. The body and the mind having both experienced unconditional positive regard, accurate empathy and the therapist’s sincere efforts to fully value each one, offer their wisdom and suggestions of solutions in the best interests of the PERSON AS A WHOLE.

As a result of the process, the person has a deeper feeling of existing, of being more unified and being on the way to better health“.



About Regina Stamatiadis


Regina Stamatiadis

As coordinator of the Person-Centered Approach Institute International, Regina Stamatiadis became personally acquainted with Carl Rogers during the last years of his life. She was a facilitator with him and close associates at both international, large group conferences in Hungary.

Her multicultural life and varied trainings as dancer, musician, teacher, and practitioner of holistic medicine, in addition to being a therapist laid the foundations for her contributions to the Person-Centred Approach. She developed Sharing Life Therapy, discovered the close relationship between the Person-Centred Approach and the 4 Elements of Nature (fire, water, earth and air) and created Person-Centred Body-Mind Conversation. Earlier, she had been a state expert for music and movement education at the Bern University of Arts and a cultural delegate for the Swiss government in Argentina.

Carl Roger’s lifelong search for what is true; his extraordinary freedom and simultaneous work discipline keep inspiring her to this present day. Regina Stamatiadis currently teaches in Paris, training students as a staff member of ACP Formations.





About John Wilson


John Wilson

John has been in private practice as a counsellor since 2005 in West Lothian and online using video conferencing and virtual environments.

As co-founder of onlinevents, John has brought together his love of technology and passion for person-centred learning environments and has co-created an online learning space where practitioners from all over the world can come together to think and reflect together.

John is also responsible for running the business of Temenos and is co-facilitator on the Person-Centred Psychotherapy & Counselling Programme, one of the most radically person-centred programmes surviving in the United Kingdom. This programme does not have a curriculum, the learning arises out of the process of the group in relationship to the professional standards in the field of Counselling & Psychotherapy. Temenos provides an environment where Trainees can engage in a rigorous training in which personal and professional development is inevitable.

John has a passion for large group work and has been part of the organising and facilitation teams for a number of large person-centred groups in the UK. In 2013, John worked as part of the Going Global facilitation team with Peggy Natiello, Carol Wolter-Gustafson, Colin Lago & Keemar Keemar to organise and facilitate two large groups in the UK. In 2015, the Going Global team organised a large group in Sedona, Arizona.


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