Category: Organisations

Structural Dynamics and Behaviour in High Stakes – Catherine Thomson

Catherine Thomson

Catherine will explore the Structural Dynamics (SD) model and dialogue as tools for having difficult conversations, focussing on how to recognise when the situation becomes ‘high stakes’ for yourself and/or others.

By the end of the session we will have had the opportunity to:

Identify triggers for ‘high stakes’;
Recognise your own response to ‘high stake’ triggers;
Explore how to lower the stakes for yourself; and
Manage high stake situations by using structural dynamics positions to take when in high stakes.

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Relational Principles in Coaching, Therapy, and Supervision – Charlotte Sills

Charlotte Sills

I came to a relational approach to therapy through my experience as a therapist, my discussions with Helena Hargaden and other colleagues, and in supervision, reading and studying. But my thinking about a relational perspective has been broadened, deepened and shaped by contemporary energy physics and organisational theory, research into neuroscience, and indeed my spiritual teaching.

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