Category: Eating Disorders

Is Recovery From An Eating Disorder Possible? – Kel O’Neill

Kel O'Neill

One of the questions most commonly asked my clients and other health care professionals me is: “is recovery from an Eating Disorder even possible?”

I believe our understanding of recovery as the professionals has a profound impact upon the recovery process. In the one hour session I will explore with you what national statistics, service users and my experience has to say on this topic.

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NLP for Weight Loss & Obesity – Anthony Beardsell

Anthony Beardsell

NLP is a body of knowledge that has been around since the early 1970s, and fairly recently several NHS trusts have begun employing specialist NLPers to help people with weight loss issues.

What is it that NLP offers to get great results in this area?
Can I learn these techniques for myself?
How do these techniques compare with other talking therapy weight loss programmes?

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The Overweight Patient: A Psychological Approach to Understanding and Working with Obesity – Kathy Leach

Kathy Leach

There are 3 questions that I would like us to think about during this #TATuesdays event.

1. Do I understand the experience and life of an obese person in our culture? The overall picture, media, attitudes, prejudices, medical models and their implications?
2. What are the differences in Long and Short term issues of weight and the clinical implications of these differences?
3. What is the aim of psychotherapy with this client group?

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Eating Disorders and Transition – Kel O’Neill

Kel O'Neill

Times of transition can be a particular difficult time for individual with Eating Disorders. Transitions come at many points in life: the transition from childhood to adolescents, moving house, getting married….

But one of the main times of transition can be the start of the new academic year; moving to a new school or going away to university. That makes this time of year the perfect opportunity to think about Eating Disorders and learn a little more.

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Eating Disorder Awareness: Towards a Greater Understanding – Kel O’Neill

Kel O'Neill

Kel is in the unique position of being able to bring together her own experience of an Eating Disorder with best practice in mental health and psychotherapy. In this interview she will talk about how not to begin a therapeutic relationship when working with someone who has an Eating Disorder – which may feel counter intuitive to us as practitioners. She will also discuss how during therapy the practitioners own fears may inhibit the clients ability to thrive.

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