Category: Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence in Pregnancy and Post Partum: A Review of the Evidence and How Professionals Can Support Vulnerable Women – Clare Slaney

Clare Slaney

Pregnancy is a risk factor for domestic violence. Many men are profoundly threatened by their partners’ pregnancy and change of role from their partner to another person’s mother. One third of domestic violence starts or gets worse when a woman is pregnant and one in five midwives sees at least one woman a week who she suspects is a victim of domestic violence.

One in 4 women will be affected by domestic violence and the complexities of this life threateneing situation, not least our own responses to domestic violence, mean that non-specialist counselling support for this client group can be compromised. Clare has given this talk to midwives both online and face to face where discussion has focused around the midwives’ lack of support and time, but the subject is also of interest to counsellors who, throughout out careers, will inevitably meet with clients who are experiencing domestic violence.

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