Are People with Eating Disorders Changing Fast Enough for You? – Kel O’Neill #EDAW

How much change do you expect to see when working with someone who is living with an Eating Disorder?

Is your expectations for changed matched against the clients actual experience?

Watch the full recording in our library

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Kel has been presenting at events and delivering lectures on her experiences of an Eating Disorder since she was 20, and this has developed into working with a wide range of volunteer organisations, practicing as a counsellor and teaching within an FE environment.

Kel is in the unique position of being able to bring together her own experience of an Eating Disorder with best practice in mental health and psychotherapy. In this interview she will talk about how not to begin a therapeutic relationship when working with someone who has an Eating Disorder – which may feel counter intuitive to us as practitioners. She will also discuss how during therapy the practitioners own fears may inhibit the clients ability to thrive.

About Kel O'Neill

Kel O'Neill

Kel O’Neill is a Counsellor and Trainer with a special interest in the area of Eating Disorders, and she has spent much of the last 10 years working in this field in a variety of roles and is ever passionate about sharing her experiences and using her knowledge for the benefit of others.As a Counsellor, Kel works with eating disorder related concerns as well as a variety of other issues within her own private practice. In addition to this, she also provides occupational health cover, delivers sessions within a local school and this month she will be starting to work online with a well-known charity.Kel provides a variety of workshops on this subject across the country which continue to receive great feedback – currently places are still available in Chester and Warrington. Dates will shortly be released for Chesterfield, Bristol and Essex and further information is available on is offering a 20% discount to onlinevents viewers who attend her workshops, please click here for more details.

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